Vyasa: Wikipedia
Duryodhana wished for the Pandavas to be humiliated more. He is then provoked and captured by a gandharva, which was sent by the gods. Meanwhile the Pandavas are killed one by one for drinking in a lake without heeding the voice. The voice turned out to be Yudhishthira's father Yama. Yudhishthira passes his fathers test and his brothers are revived. The Pandavas are also given the gift of being unrecognizable. They spend the thirteenth year in the court of King Virata. Bhima kills the queens brother, Kichaka, after raping Draupadi. The king agrees to let them stay after Draupadi begged.
Duryodhana decides to attack Virata's land and steal his cattle. The Pandavas do battle with Duryodhana and are victorious. After the battle the king realizes the real identity of the Pandavas. His daughter, Uttara, is married to Yudhishthira. Krishna, eighth avatar of Vishnu, requested to Duryodhana that half of his kingdom be given to the Pandavas. Pandavas and Duryodhana begin recruiting more allies. The Pandavas make a peace offering asking for five villages. Dhritarashtra however is unable to say no to Duryodhana. Vyasa warns Dhritarashtra not to proceed with the war, if he wishes to prevent the destruction of his family.
Narayan, R. K., & Wendy Doniger. (2013).The Mahabharata: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic. University of Chicago Press.
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