Introduction of me

(The final frontier: Pixabay)

My name is Jonathan Witt and I am a junior environmental science major.  I was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma until I was ten. My family moved an entire 5 miles from were we used to live to a house in Broken Arrow. I lived in Broken Arrow until I graduated high school and have been living in Norman since. I have worked at the Cafeteria on campus since my freshman year. My favorite movie is The Count of Monte Cristo. I enjoy almost any music; however, I am rather picky about what rap and country music I will listen to. My favorite TV show that am currently watching is The Good Place. I really enjoy the concept and the light heartiness of the show. I love attempting to cook, I am not horrible, but I most certainly could use some more practice.  One of the biggest reasons I enjoy cooking I would always watch cooking shows growing up, especially Iron Chef America. Cooking is also cheaper than eating out, and it saves quite a bit of money.

My short-term goal is just to graduate college.  After I graduate if I cannot a good enough job, I will likely join the army for three years to get rid of all my college debt. As for the job I want I’m unsure, however working with the treatment of water seems like something I would enjoy. Over this coming summer I am currently planning to travel abroad to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I will get to work with a nonprofit named Splash for a month to help with water infrastructure assessments in school. I believe this will be a good life experience. After that assuming my budget holds I will be traveling to Ottawa, Canada for a week. I have two good friends that live there, and I am planning on doing a Spartan Super race with one of them. Another friend from California will also be joining us and looks to be a great time. As for my dream goals I just want to have a peaceful and happy life.


  1. Hi Jonathan! I have taken a few classes in environmental studies, and it is interesting stuff. Although, it's always a little disheartening, too, to read about how poorly we're treating our planet. In my class, we learned mostly about the beef industry's environmental footprint, and boy did that almost turn me off to meat (but not quite...)

    I've heard great things about that TV show. I love Kristen Bell, so I might give it a shot. I'm more of a super-hero kind of gal, and I'm working on Netflix's original, Daredevil at the moment. Not quite lighthearted, but a good watch so far!

    I have so many close friends and family members who enlisted in the military. My mother-in-law is an army vet, and she has so many great stories to tell. She learned a lot in the service, and I hope you enjoy it as much as she did.

    I look forward to our semester together! Good luck in your studies.


  2. Your Ethiopia plan sounds wonderful, Jonathan: what a great adventure! I don't know much about Ethiopia except for Ethiopian food... and I LOVE Ethiopian food! I used to live in Oakland, California, and there were such great Ethiopian restaurants there. And maybe you can follow a food focus for this class; Indian cuisine is one of the world's great cuisines, and you will see the topic of food coming up in the myths and legends also, starting with the magical rice pudding called kheer (also called payasam) that allows King Dasharatha to have sons in the Ramayana. Kheer is one of my favorite Indian sweets in fact... yummm: Kheer ... and here is a picture of the celestial being delivering the celestial pudding to the king and his three wives: Ramayana: Payasam

  3. Hey Jonathan,
    The Count of Monte Cristo is a great movie. I remember having that movie recorded on a VHS tape when I was a kid and I would watch it all the time. Your Ethiopian plan seems really fun. I hope your budget holds up so you can do the race in Canada!

  4. Hi Jonathan, it is nice to meet you! I enjoy watching cooking shows like Chopped and Cupcake Wars, even though I am not the best chef. It is so cool that you are getting to travel to Ethiopia this summer! I have a couple of Ethiopian friends and sometimes they tell me stories about their beautiful country. I love Ottawa! I used to live in Ann Arbor, Michigan, so the drive to Ottawa would only be like 5-6 hours so we used to always visit. If you ever have the chance to visit Ottawa in the winter, people ice skate down the river as their mode of transportation from their office to like restaurants and it is so neat to see!

  5. Hello, Jonathan I enjoyed reading through your post. You seem like you have your life planned out if you are not able to find a job right out of ungraduated. I also worked at the Café on campus, it was okay but I would not go back there. Sam was my favorite person there, and it was a great experience working there because I met so many great people.

  6. Hi Jonathan! I read the Count of Monte Cristo and absolutely fell in love! The movie is wonderful too. My music preferences are almost the exact same! I usually tell people I listen to all types of music but I only listen to certain rap and country songs. I also enjoy watching the Good Place! Your summer sounds fun, I wish you luck with accomplishing your goals.

  7. Nice to meet you Jonathan! I totally relate to you on being focused on succeeding in college and getting rid of the debt that I have accrued on tuition. That is wonderful that you will be going to Ethiopia this summer! What a great way to practice what you've been learning in school. It seems like real world experience is always the best teacher.

  8. Hey Jonathan,
    The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my favorite movies as well. I spent some time in Tulsa myself my freshman year. I can relate to you with having a short term goal of just graduating, I feel like I have been in school for too long, because I have haha. Looking forward to reading your stories.

  9. Hey Jonathan. Sound's like you've got a good taste of living all over Oklahoma! I also watch the Good Place. I have to say, after the end of Season 1, I didn't think the show had anywhere to go for season 2, but I was pleasantly surprised! Still, I think I liked season 1 more. How often do you get to go to Canada?

  10. Hey Jonathan! I like the Count of Monte Cristo as well, it's a great movie. I like to cook sometimes as well, although I'll admit that I'm not very good at it. My main goal is to graduate and get a good job as well. Joining the army is a great option for some to pay for school and I think it's a great idea if it's something you're interested in.

  11. Hi Jonathan! I am also watching The Good Place right now and I totally agree with you, I think it is a really cool concept and I love the light-heartedness of it. It's a great break from the stress of school! And it sounds like you have your life planned out for after you graduate. That is definitely something rare that most people our age don't even want to think about yet. Good luck this semester!

  12. Hey Jonathon! I too am from Broken Arrow and live out by Indian Springs. I think it is pretty cool that you plan on traveling so much. I think it would be really cool to travel to Ethiopia and Canada. I went to Canada as a child but I don't remember so I don't count it. I'll have to check out The Good Place as I've never even heard of it.

  13. Hey Jonathan!
    I really like the design and layout of your blog and I thought the picture you choose for your introduction complemented your post really well! I love traveling and I thinks its so cool that you are going to Ethiopia this summer. I know you are going to have a great time! I hope you are having a great semester so far and I cant wait to explore the rest of your blog!

  14. Hey Jonathan! I actually just drove to Tulsa yesterday for a mini-vacation. We ended up going to Cracker Barrel and The Escape Room which are both places also located in Oklahoma City, so it was a little bit of a waste haha. I definitely know what you mean about cooking. It's hard to afford eating out every day, so experimenting is a must. Practicing is how you get good though! Your future travels definitely sound interesting. Best of luck with this semester and beyond!

  15. Hello jonathan!
    It is nice to meet you! I have a friend that absolutely loves water infrastructure, it is kind of weird how much she enjoys it. She was an environmental engineer as UT, and currently works up in Canada. I too plan on visiting, mainly because it is right outside of Banff, although I will most certainly not be running a spartan super race!

  16. Hello Jonathan! It is really nice to meet you! I love the lay out of your blog! It is simple, and orange! I love the color orange, especially when it is paired with a lighter yellow shade! I loved eating at the cafe and I have much appreciation and mad respect for all the students and employees who worked there! It must have been tough and crazy and hectic! Good luck with everything! I hope you have a great semester!

  17. Hey Jonathan! Ethiopia sounds like it would be a really great experience and you would get to make a difference for that school in the process. I know a number of people who have done similar projects and none of them have ever been disappointed with it. Also, Iron Chef was by far my favorite show growing up, and for a long time I wanted to go to culinary school. Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  18. Hey there, Jonathan!
    It was really awesome to read about your life and see what motivates and inspires you. It seems that you are a very passionate person with a lot of admirable goals in mind. I hope that you continue to chase these goals and do what makes you happy in life. I think this is something that we should all keep in mind as we move forward. I wish you the best.

  19. Hey Jonathan , I read your introduction and I see you have a chilled lifestyle, even though you do not know what you want to do after graduate the army is always I nice way to go to get rid of debt and have the rest of your schooling paid for. I hope that you have something lined up after you finish school, because life is to short so do anything that will make you happy.


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