Reading Notes: Ramayana Introductory Videos

Rama and Monkey chiefs: Wikipedia

CrashCourse. Rama and the Ramayana: Crash Course World Mythology #27
Rama is the avatar of the God Vishnu. He is a blue hero king moral archer. He is one of four princes from three mothers. Rama breaks Shiva bow and earns the right to marry Sita. Rama was banished for 14 years due his brother, Dasartha, taking the throne. Rama has many adventures with his two other brothers. Ravana hatches a plan to kidnap Sita. Sugriv is the monkey king becomes friends with Rama. Humanuman, a monkey, flies across the ocean to reach Sita. Sita refuses to be rescued by anyone other than her husband. Ravana and the monkeys go to save her and slays Ravana. Then there is some gods intervention. Rama is then crowned king for 10 thousand years.

Diwali is a festival of joy and prosperity. The story of lamb and lovin is a story of good winning over evil. The rest of the story is the same from the Crashcourse with some name changes.
Asian Art Museum.The Rama Epic LIVE
Countless king have modeled themselves after Rama. The story has spread to many counties over many years. Hanuman is worshiped like a god even today.
